
Remove the Dental Plate in 5 minutes Naturally, without Going to the Dentist

Dental plaque is a deposit of living organisms on the surface of the teeth and consists of sugar, acid and bacteria. It is a substance that is deposited naturally and can be eliminated, in particular by brushing the teeth. However, insufficient oral hygiene can cause it to accumulate in an increasingly resistant layer.

Traditionally, it is recommended that teeth descaling should be carried out every 6 months to 1 year. But you might be wondering how to descale teeth without dentists? If you want to know how to remove tartar from the teeth naturally, follow the following tips to build up a real homemade descale strolling kit.

on the following page:

Home Remedy 1


  • 1/2 litre of water
  • 60 grams of walnut shell


Continued on the next page


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